Do you have questions about flossing? If so, it’s time to find the answers. It’s very important that you know all you need to know about flossing because it can help you have the top-notch routine you need to properly and effectively clean and care for your teeth and gums. So, our dentist, Dr. Adel, is happy to help you... read more »
In order to ensure that your smile always receives the necessary care, it may a good idea to look at the various tools available. In the case of teeth whitening treatments, it is essential to analyze all your potential options and choose wisely. Several teeth whitening products can greatly improve the look of your teeth whereas others may not help... read more »
If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of a damaged or unflattering tooth or wish you could provide further protection for weakened tooth structure, we invite you to ask our dentist about a dental crown. These tooth prosthetics are durable caps that cover teeth above the gum line to add additional protection prevent further damage from occurring. We offer a review... read more »
When you visit the dentist only on an as-needed basis, such as to repair a broken tooth or treat a bad toothache, you are missing out on the many benefits that preventive dental care can provide, including avoiding these dental problems to begin with. By scheduling routine dental appointments, you can protect your oral health from coming to harm by... read more »
Tooth sensitivity makes it hard to eat, drink and accomplish daily functions. There are many potential causes of tooth sensitivity; it is important to seek dental advice as soon as possible to determine the cause and possible treatment. Some of the possible causes of tooth sensitivity include: worn or fractured enamel, cavities, general dental erosion (typically due to acidic foods... read more »
Your smile is important to our dental team, no matter your age. Thus, we encourage you to take excellent care of your teeth and gums every day! It is possible to maintain a healthy, natural smile your entire lifespan. Here are some reminders of how to take care of your smile as you age. First, clean your teeth and gums... read more »
Here at Douglas M. Adel, DDS, P.A., we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through... read more »